Faith Works

Faith Works

Today, we’re going to dive into a thought-provoking topic that gets to the heart of our faith—the relationship between faith and works. But before we get into the theology, let’s chat about something that resonates with the human psyche: our capacity to...
Compassion that Matters to God

Compassion that Matters to God

Today, I want to share a story about my 2.5-year-old son, Ellis, and our journey through the trials and tribulations of potty training. We embarked on this mission when he hit the ripe age of 2, and I thought I was prepared for round three of potty training. Little...
Doers of the Word

Doers of the Word

Being a Christian is not just about hearing the Word; it’s about living it out. Today, we’re going to take a shorter and more direct journey through the Scriptures to realize that our faith demands action. We often rush through our Bible reading, but...